Thursday, 14 April 2011

Head Creation

Head Creation

Heads are a tricky business. There are so many ways to make one. I’m going to talk about the Pros and cons of a head made from box modelling in this report. The key idea to remember when modelling a head is to keep the geometry smooth and make sure it has a purpose. Random geometry and messy edge loops create a “loaf” like appearance which is defiantly worth avoiding.

Starting with a box, insert edge loops at the key parts of the model sheet, so eyes, ears, neck etc. Next add some front geometry, the try to find the rings that define the eyes nose and mouth on the side and front views. From this begin to sculpt the head shape out of the box and do not over complicate geometry.

Here is a bad example. The head has not been shaped. It is flat and formless. There is also far too much geometry on this basic head, even when there is no detail on the model. The head has also not been referenced to the model sheet as the face shape is completely different. Avoid this!

 This is a much better example. There is appropriate geometry in all the right places. The model has good shape and resembles the reference material. The only thing which can be criticised is the lack of a strong nose shape; however this can be easily changed

This is a very good example of how to model a characters head and face. The shape and distances have all been scaled perfectly using a strong reference image. There is enough geometry to give definition and detail but not enough to complicate it. All of the geometry flows and looks professional. This is the modellers aim to make when creating a characters face and head.

Here is an example of messy modelling and over complicated geometry. The head and face lacks proper shape and form. It is quiet robotic. It resembles more a loaf of bread than a well modelled character head. The jaw is still square and the whole model is very unprofessional and rushed.

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